
What is an English degree?

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) at IU Columbus in English degree will help you explore the diversity and richness of the English language. You can complete the bachelor’s degree in English with concentrations in Creative Writing or Literature.

Our award-winning liberal arts faculty are engaged in teaching and research encompassing many sub-disciplines of English language studies such as creative writing, composition, digital, linguistics, literacy, and literature.

From instruction in basic freshman composition to research opportunities with faculty, we can help you tailor a program of study that fits your personal and professional goals. You will learn to do the following:

  • Read, research, analyze, and interpret an array of written material;
  • Consider socioeconomic, political, historical texts;
  • Explore the evolution of English to its modern form;
  • Discover the diversity of global English.

Along the way, you can get involved in campus life and co-curricular opportunities. You might publish your writing in the university’s literary magazine, present original research though the Office of Student Research, share findings at national conferences, or complete an internship that utilizes your writing skills. We hope you’ll also consider joining some of the clubs at IU Columbus.

To get a better feel for whether an IU degree in English is the right choice for you, explore our course descriptions.

Choose your concentration

The English major at IU Columbus requires academic training in a distinct field or concentration. Each concentration requires 33 credit hours in English with a minimum grade of C in each course. Learn more about the requirements for each concentration below.

Earn a minor in English

The Division of Liberal Arts offers three English minors specialized for students majoring in other subjects. A minor from the Division of Liberal Arts can help you diversify your undergraduate degree with additional skills.