IUPUC is helping our community thrive through volunteer work

September 16, 2016

Students, staff and faculty members are helping our community thrive through their volunteering efforts at multiple locations. 

IUPUC participated in the Community Day of Service on Friday, Sept. 2, 2016. Volunteers spent time at five different locations throughout the day – Owens Bend, Just Friends at Mills Race Center, Healthy Communities, Family Services, Inc., and Sans Souci.

Seven volunteers participated in the trail clean up at Owens Bend.

·      Blake Clark, student

·      Michaela Fuller, student

·      Melissa Andres, student

·      Caleb Abrell, student

·      Frank Wadsworth, Division of Business

·      Denise Jennings, Enrollment Management

·      Adam Frazier, UITS

Two volunteers participated in games and conversation at the adult day care, Just Friends at Mill Race Center.

·      Lance Freeman, student

·      Kristyn Plummer, student

Five volunteers participated in assembling “Quit Kits’ at Healthy Communities for smokers who are in the hospital.

·      Maya Garcia, student

·      Elizabeth Hedger, student

·      Stevi Begley, student

·      Elizabeth Lynch, student

·      Frank Wadsworth, Division of Business

Five volunteers participated in disinfecting and sanitizing the playroom and reception area at Family Services, Inc.

·      Baylee Robinson, student

·      Taylor Barkdull, student

·      Mercedes Whetstine, student

·      Victoria Ewing, student

·      Katelynn Moore, student

Three volunteers participated in sorting donated clothing at Sans Souci.

·      Avery Tallent, student

·      Alyssa Sills, student

·      Hannah Walker, student

Geneva Foster, in the Office of Recruitment and Admissions, organized a group of IUPUC staff to volunteer on Saturday, Sept. 10, 2016 at the Feed My Starving Children event at Asbury United Methodist Church to pack meals. Their participation helped Feed My Starving Children pack 208,952 meals that will serve 575 children a meal a day for a year. 

Eleven volunteers representing the IUPUC staff participated in packing the meals. 

·      Geneva Foster

·      Becky Stephens

·      Jeanette Barker

·      Katie and Aaron Hanson

·      Sarah Dippert

·      Cindy and Gary Felsten

·      Pam Morris

·      Vickie Welsh Huston

·      Donna Emmert